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3 Ways To Know Your Business Needs An A/V Upgrade

Help your business run more efficiently and bring in more customers with automated A/V solutions

Every dollar and every second are critical in the life of your business. You need to be wise with how you spend your money, and your team needs to be using their time as productively as possible. But when your commercial A/V system uses clunky controls, can’t be customized to fit your space or you’re not seeing the number of customers you want, it’s time for a tech upgrade.

We at Cravtsman are here to help. Our powerful commercial automation systems make it easy to control every device in your business through one interface. We can also help you customize your system to meet your needs.

Still not sure if you need an upgrade? Keep reading to see three of the signs your Morristown, NJ business would benefit from a new commercial A/V system.

SEE ALSO: How Video Walls Can Help Your Business Stand Out


Any business owner will tell you the job is stressful, and your team doesn’t have time to waste on fussing with your A/V system’s controls. If you’re juggling multiple remotes to switch audio tracks or put something new on a display, you can do better.

Commercial automation tools give you control of your entire system from a single device. You can turn the whole system on or off, change audio or video sources, and fine-tune your system in mere seconds. This way, you and your employees can get back to work quickly.


No matter what your business does, you don’t want any audio or video playing at the same volume level throughout your space. Some areas may be appropriate for quieter sound or a muted video ad, while entrances make a good spot for louder, more attention-grabbing A/V displays. Depending on your line of work, you may need different audio or video sources playing in different areas of your space. (This is particularly true of bars and restaurants.)

Older systems may not let you adjust the volume or video being played within different portions of your business, but it’s easy with more modern commercial systems. You’ll be able to use different audio or video sources in different sections, and you still get the same simple, centralized controls we just talked about.


Audio and video can be powerful draws for customers. An instrumental or classical playlist sets a calming mood for shopping or dining, whereas more raucous music or the sounds of the big game can lure customers into retail stores or sports bars. If you aren’t using audio and video in your marketing efforts, potential customers are passing you by.

A state-of-the-art A/V system makes it simple to deploy music around or video ads outside your space. And with the ability to create multiple distinct zones within your space, any outdoor ads won’t interfere with the audio and video within your business.

Don’t wait to modernize your business’ A/V system. To find out more about our commercial automation solutions, call us at (201) 620-2929 or check out our contact page.

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